
The vision of the Civil Engineering Department is to be a leading center of excellence in civil engineering education, research, and innovation. We strive to produce competent and socially responsible civil engineers who can contribute to the sustainable development and advancement of society. Our aim is to be recognized nationally and internationally for our academic programs, research contributions, and industry collaborations in the field of civil engineering.


The mission of the Civil Engineering Department is to provide high-quality education and training to aspiring civil engineers, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to excel in their professional careers. We are committed to fostering a stimulating learning environment that promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and ethical practices.

Our mission includes:

Academic Excellence: To offer comprehensive and up-to-date academic programs that encompass core principles of civil engineering, along with emerging trends and technologies. We aim to develop a strong foundation of technical expertise, analytical skills, and practical experience among our students.

Research and Innovation: To promote a culture of research and innovation by conducting cutting-edge research in various areas of civil engineering. We strive to address contemporary challenges and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. We encourage faculty and students to engage in research projects and collaborations with industry and other academic institutions.

Industry Engagement: To establish strong ties with the industry, government agencies, and professional bodies to facilitate internships, industrial visits, and collaborative projects. We aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to meet the demands of the profession and contribute effectively to infrastructure development.

Social Responsibility: To instill a sense of social responsibility and ethical values among our students. We emphasize sustainable practices, environmental consciousness, and a commitment to serving the community. We strive to produce civil engineers who prioritize safety, environmental protection, and the well-being of society in their professional endeavors.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development: To encourage lifelong learning among our students and faculty members. We provide opportunities for professional development, workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance their knowledge and skills in the rapidly evolving field of civil engineering.

Through our vision and mission, we aim to shape competent and compassionate civil engineers who can contribute meaningfully to the development of infrastructure, society, and the world at large.